Practical information

Pustiměř Convent  

The entrance to the former monastery is formed by a small gateway on the southern side of the Church of St. Benedict of Nursia, which is built on the site of the former monastery church whose remains can be even seen today emerging from the ground. This church was built on the ground plan of a Latin cross in a historicist style. It is a three-nave church with a tower in the frontage. The Chapel of St. Anne, which burned down in 1635, is located a few meters to the north of the church. After the restoration it became a place of holy pilgrimages for the cult of St. Anne, bound to the Brotherhood of St. Anne which settled there. The chapel is built on the ground plan of a Greek cross and vaulted with a dome. The rotunda is located just behind the Chapel of St. Anne. The southern part is preserved only in the carcass. The northern part is better preserved. It rises up to a height of several metres. The whole terrain slightly rises. There is the so-called Getseman garden and the town cemetery in the vicinity. Of note is the spirit of ancient Slavs in which the whole complex was constructed.